Fair and Lovely


Fair and Lovely is a skin whitening cream that was introduced to the market in India in 1975. Produced by Hindustan Unilever, the cream was created to make women feel ‘beautiful and youthful’. In an article on ‘Fair and Lovely’, the writer describes the cream as a saving grace for multiple women, and how “The cream can be seen in almost every home, it is truly an iconic cream that is passed on from generation to generation.”3 the idea of it being passed on from ‘generation to generation’, is a sad truth. I have personally never used the product, but have been told since I was a little girl that I was ‘darker skinned’ than my sisters, and should stay away from the sun to ‘lighten up a little’. This notion of self-hatred due to the colour of your skin was a passed down family heirloom. This photographic series is a satirical advertisement for the product.


अच्छी औरत, Good Woman, अच्छी बेटी, Good Daughter